A service contract with King Tide will lower the cost of ownership for your HVAC system and ensure the best possible operational lifetime.
- 🤩 Priority Service
- 💪 Extended Equipment Life
- 💸 Lower Electric Bills
- 🐳️ Improved Efficiency
- ⚙️ Discounts on Parts
We provide in our Gold Planned Maintenance Agreement 2 maintenance cleanings/inspections per year which include:
- 10% off all repairs
- Clean washable or replace disposable 1 inch filter(s)
- Inspect blower wheel
- Test all capacitors under load
- Inspect contactors
- Test compressor, fan and blower motor
- Inspect and clean evaporator coil if required
- Inspect and clean condenser coil if required
- Check refrigerant charge
- Test heat strips for proper operation
- Lubricate moving parts as needed
- Clean condensate drains
- Test zoning system
- Test thermostat calibration
- Test defrost cycle
- Inspect electrical connections
Additional units +$75/year
Included are the same benefits as the Gold with the addition of the following:
- 15% off all repairs
- NO diagnostic/trip fees
- Included with no addition charges are the top 3 service related calls in the industry.
- No charges for clearing drain lines
- No charges for capacitor replacements
- No charges for contactor replacements
Additional units +$199/year